Sai Baba’s Amazing Leela

Sai Baba’s Amazing Leela

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:

Hello, Om Jai Sai Ram! I am sharing my sweet story of Baba’s Leela below.  I would like to go as an anonymous devotee, please.

A good friend of mine asked me to join the Global Mahaparayan in 2020 and with Baba’s blessings I joined It. I always enjoyed reading people’s miracles sent in the Global Mahaparayan group. I too have had several miracles happen to me. For example, when I read my allotted chapters, I had my questions answered or I got clarity on some things that bothered me. I was extremely moved by a Mahaparayan experience a devotee had shared as it was very visual.  In this, Baba’s picture appeared in their Arti plate.  I thought how blessed the people must be to get Baba’s picture like this and I longed and prayed for a visual blessing from Baba. Something very similar happened to me too that I would like to share my happiness with you all.

For a few years, I have been burning a small pouch of black sesame seeds soaked in oil every Saturday as per my Astrologer’s instructions. This has created a very thin layer of black soot in my pooja room.  Last year I moved some pictures around in my pooja room to make space for my Sai Baba’s idol as I had a dream to move the idol.  When I did that I noticed the black soot on the wall behind where I was going to place Baba’s idol.  I wiped the wall several times but the soot was not gone completely.  I gave up further cleaning thinking I will paint the pooja room one day. Months passed by and I had completely forgotten about this soot on the wall.

One day I was praying to Baba and I saw something on the wall behind my Baba’s idol.  It was very clear that it was the soot but it appeared to be the same figure/shape as my Baba’s idol. I couldn’t believe what I saw.  I was overjoyed and had tears in my eyes.  I had never seen this shape on the wall before. I don’t even know how long it was there before and Baba made me notice it. I immediately took a photo of this and sent it to my friend (who got me into the Global Mahaparayan) to get confirmation on what I think and what I saw. She too could see Baba’s figure on the wall outlined in the same shape as my Baba’s idol. I couldn’t control my tears and emotions.  I am convinced that Baba is with me to hear my prayers every day and to protect our family. 

Sai Baba’s Amazing Leela

Baba knew I yearned for something visual like this. He showed His blessings in a visual form that I yearned to see. Baba is omnipresent and knows what every devotee’s wishes and desires are and fulfils them accordingly.  I will cherish this forever in my heart. Love You Baba. Om Jai Sai Ram.

Anonymous Sai Devotee 

#MP-Experience 3093

Got A New Job With Sai Baba’s Blessings  

Got A New Job With Sai Baba’s Blessings

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Ramalakshmi From India Says:


I would like to share my experience with the whole Global Mahaparayan family.

Sairam to all devotees. My name is Ramalakshmi and I am part of the MP-3278N1 Sai Rama Global Mahaparayan group. Thank you to the Global Mahaparayan volunteers for bringing all Sai devotees together. I have been Sai Baba’s devotee for the last 10 years and joined the MP in Oct 2019. I have experienced so much magic of Sai Baba ( I call it Saigic) before and after joining MP. The one I wanted to share here today is about my experience on landing a new job with the blessings of Sai.

I was looking for a job for almost a year during the Corona pandemic time. It’s very difficult to get a job even with good experience. I do MP every week with the hope and patience that Baba will know when I should start my new job. I was so confused about my career directions, with the current situation; should I learn some new technology or business knowledge. At times I was feeling so demotivated, when there were no new job postings and interviews. Baba was always with me and through the MP chapter allocations. He always motivated and blessed me.

All of a sudden, I got a reply from the recruiter for an interview. I was so happy and did my best to attend the interview. In a couple of days, I got the update from the same recruiter that they were going to offer me a 6 months contract position. As it was during Christmas holidays and employees going on vacation, I expected the process to be a little slow. Next Tuesday I got another email from a different recruiter of the same company saying that I was not selected for this position and they were moving on with a more suitable candidate. 

I was heartbroken and talking to my Sai, why and what happened. I told my husband sadly that I didn’t get that role. He was a little suspicious that the rejection email came from a different recruiter and asked me to write an email to the first recruiter who had arranged the interview to clarify the confusion. I was not sure about his idea, but still wrote a quick email about this to the recruiter. To my sweet surprise, on Thursday (Dec 17, 2020) I got an email with an apology for all this confusion. She was transferred to another role and the recruiter who took over must have accidentally rejected me. Baba taught me from this incident that don’t get discouraged and reach out to people to get things done. I joined this new job in Jan 2021 and wanted to share this wonderful experience with my Global Mahaparayan family to have Shradha and Saburi – faith and patience.


Sai Devotee Ramalakshmi

#MP-Experience 3094

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Little drops of water make the mighty ocean likewise small, small things lead to big things and so if we start finding joy in small things it would definitely make us happier each day. Baba loves and cares equally for all His devotees small or big. Our devotion or our definition of us being a devotee may be small or big (devotee) but to Baba all His devotees are alike. For He is our S(a)ai Baba (Aai is Mother) & Baba(Father)). Would parents ever discriminate between their children? Then how can Baba? He is the most merciful, benevolent and beyond our intellect! Jai Sairam!
Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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